Local Issues

Abolish ULEZ and LTNs
Abolish all of the disastrous Ultra Low Emissions Zones and Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, including the negative aspects of 15 minute cities. Remove 20mph zones apart from outside schools.

Save our High Streets
Rescue our struggling high streets with free short stay parking, business rate cuts, encouraging homes in town centres, targeted investment, local resident discount schemes and more.

We will protect our green spaces and heritage by building new homes on brownfield sites and make sure real infrastructure like road improvements, school places and medical facilities come first.

No Whip
All of our councillors are whip free, which means they can vote on matters that concern you and your community without interference from the party.

More power to local areas.

Council Spending
Common sense local spending. Cutting wasteful spending.

National Issues

Illegal Immigration
Its time to put a stop to Vile Traffickers, who are profiteering while people drown in the channel. We will return boats to French ports and take zero tolerance approach to illegal immigration.

Cheaper Energy
We will renationalise utility companies, making them 50% taxpayer owned and 50% British pension fund owned. We will approve of shale gas exploration we no longer rely on Putin or Macron for our energy.